???option.TituloSitioWeb.grado??? in Automation and Industrial Electronic Engineering

Syllabus structure and course guides

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering
Knowledge area: Engineering and Architecture
Duration: 4 years
Credits ECTS: 240
Degree awarded: Graduate in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering from the University of Lleida (BOE publication: BOE-A-2009-2893)

The degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering has its teaching contents structured in the following modules:

Basic training subjects (FB) 66
Compulsory subjects (B) 120
Optional subjects (O) 24
Internships 15
Bachelor’s thesis 15

Teaching offer

EPS’ subject codes: Offer and limits

Course guide

Subject programme

1st COURSE (60 ECTS)

Code Subject Type Semester Credits
102104 Physics 1 FB 1 6
102101 Calculus FB 1 9
102106 Graphic Expression 1 FB 1 9
102107 Chemistry FB 1 6
102105 Physics 2 FB 2 6
102100 Linear Algebra FB 2 6
102108 Business Management FB 2 6
102109 Computer Science Basics FB 2 6
102113 Materials Science B 2 6


2nd COURSE (60 ECTS)

Code Subject Type Semester Credits
102102 Numerical Methods FB 1 6
102110 Theory of Mechanisms B 1 6
102112 Fluid Mechanics B 1 6
102116 Electrical Engineering Basics B 1 6
102118 Environmental Technologies and Sustainability B 1 6
102103 Statistical Methods FB 2 6
102111  Thermal Engineering 1 B 2 6
102114 Electronic Engineering Basics B 2 6
102115 Industrial Automation B 2 6
102128 Circuit Theory B 2 6


3rd COURSE (60 ECTS)

Code Subject Type Semester Credits
102117 Organization of Production B 1 6
102120 Digital Electronics B 1 6
102121 Signals and Systems B 1 6
102124 Basics of the Control Theory B 1 6
102123 Analogue Electronics B 1 6
102122 Power Electronics B 2 6
102125 Discrete Processes B 2 6
102126 Industrial Instrumentation B 2 6
102127 Control and Robotics System Design B 2 6
102129 Industrial Computing O 2 6


4th COURSE (60 ECTS)

Code Subject Type Semester Credits
102139 Internship B 1 15
102119 Technical Projects O 1 6
  Optative 1 O 1 6
 101434 Cross-Curricular Subject B 1 6
102140 Bachelor Thesis B 2 15
  Optative 2 O 2 6
  Optative 3 O 2 6

Optative subjects

More Information


A subject becomes the corequisite of another one when for processing the enrolment of the second one you need to enrol in the first one or have it passed.
Here you can find the corequisites of the optional bachelor’s degree subjects.

Academic framework

The Academic framework of bachelor’s degrees is a document which establishes general bases for the organization of the undergraduate teaching.